Licensing, Permits and Registration

Licensing is a business arrangement in which one company gives another company permission to manufacture its product for a specified payment. Licensing generally involves allowing another company to use patents, trademarks, copyrights, designs, and other intellectual in exchange for a percentage of revenue or a fee. It’s a fast way to generate income and grow a business, as there is no manufacturing or sales involved. Instead, licensing usually means taking advantage of an existing company’s pipeline and infrastructure in exchange for a small percentage of revenue.

Quisque placerat pulvinar ante, nec dictum erat suscipit a. Etiam sed lacus justo. Cras quam lacus, sollicitudin at ante molestie, accumsan lacinia arcu. Integer pulvinar erat ut purus fringilla rutrum. Fusce eu dui rhoncus, pharetra erat nec, aliquet nibh. Nunc viverra iaculis est in consequat.

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